1. Be a retail customer. You can order whenever you want, with no commitment. The products are slightly more expensive with this option, but you have the freedom of ordering whatever, whenever. Just click here to order
3. Lastly, you can become a distributor, which is what I do. The benefits are the same as becoming a preferred customer; wholesale pricing, AMOR rewards program, but you also earn commissions on any sales made from your website, as well as other financial benefits. Click here for benefits of becoming a distributor
1. Be a retail customer. You can order whenever you want, with no commitment. The products are slightly more expensive with this option, but you have the freedom of ordering whatever, whenever. Just click here to order
3. Lastly, you can become a distributor, which is what I do. The benefits are the same as becoming a preferred customer; wholesale pricing, AMOR rewards program, but you also earn commissions on any sales made from your website, as well as other financial benefits. Click here for benefits of becoming a distributor